Friday, December 25, 2009

Domestics and Civicness

The household is a production, a space within which we examine forms of ourselves. These correspond to a family, a home, bachelorhood. To having neighbors, to living in a particular community. We may develop a civic-minded sense of ourselves through such means.

These processes create regions within cities, buroughs or types of neighborhoods. From a political perspective domesticness involves the creation of civicness, of self-definition and family-definition, which governmental policies often circumscribe or deleniate. They sustain and inform family values, mores of social cohesion and decidability.

My home is also a personal space. Here I could explore issues of family-genealogy, the making of fashion-designs, or my spirituality. What does it mean to be Celtic, for example. How as well I might share notions of my own family lineage.

Later, I would like to address the theme of localization with you, which is a preoccupation with community participation. That this is developed through being implicated in the communities in which we live, and that this is a moral pursuit.